Thursday, February 5, 2009

Balance postives into Negatives

Have you every wondered why some people get over negatives events quicker than other's. I always have. The same event can happen to two different people and one person just bounces back while the other person seems to suffer for long periods of time. It can be a relationship break up, a lose of some sort or unable to achieve a goal etc. Do you what to know the secret into bouncing back from set backs or negative events?

The people that seem to just get on with life have the following belief

"Failure is only feedback"

When you have a perceived failure instead of focusing on the event, treat it a learning opportunity. In every negative event there are a number of positive learning that can change your life and drive you forward. Remember once an event has occurred you can not change it you life is effected by the meaning you give it. If you focus on the learning of the event this will ensure that the past does not equal the future and you will not repeat the mistakes of the past, how good would that be?

Just look back at some of the negatives events in your life and have a look at the learning from them now. You will be surprise at what you can learn life lessons that can only be learned from failure. Have you heard sport people make the comment, "we learned more from that lose than all our previous wins." Life is the same, every time you have a negative event in your life or a failure rejoice as life is providing you with a valuable lesson.

Have a fantastic Day

Alex Kalafatis
Managing Director

Ak Coaching & Development - Create the Change

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