Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Creating a one page flyer that sells

Every wondered why some one page flyers get peoples attention and other do not. Do you realise there are specific rules in creating a one page flyer. Many people have wasted time and money in developing marketing material without knowing how to influence human behaviour. Most people leave it to chance. The following is one way to create a one page flyer that will attract clients into your business.

1. At the top of the page have a compelling question that will attract your niche

2. List 6 items that are a problems to your niche

3. Relating back to the problems, list the benefits your service or product will provide

4. List 6 points in regards to what it will cost your niche if they do not fix the problem

5. Include 3 reasons about why they should use you

6 Have a call to action on the flyer

7. Company logo's at the bottom

By applying the above you will notice people reading your one page flyer

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