Monday, July 14, 2008

Successfully negotiating the teenage years

Most parents face the problem of those difficult years with there children , "The teenage years". Maybe you are already there, are your teenagers mixing with the wrong crowd, experimenting with drugs and alcohol, withdrawing from the family. The relationships starts to go down hill and the more the parent's try to control the situation the worst it gets. Does this seem familiar to you?

Do you feel like you have no where to turn? As a parent do you feel like you are losing your child? Are there times when you feel helpless and do not know were to turn?

If you said yes to any of the above questions lets me share with you, how I have assisted a number of clients to reconnect with there teenage children.

Most parents focus on there children's behaviour and try to control the behaviour, this is the first mistake. Others punish their teenage children and this has little or no effect. Others name call or tag their children with terms such as, bad, wrong ,blaming their children and others for the bad behaviour. Does this sound familiar?

Here are some helpful tips that will assist you and in most cases ,the result are immediately measurable.

1. Work on improving the relationship with you children. Make this the main focus.

2. When talking to your teenage children distinguish between the behaviour and the children. Tell them you love them and it is their behaviour you do not like.

3. Never tell them they are wrong, you do not like their choices, however you will always be there for them.

4. Never make comments in the heat of the moment that you could regret later.

If you apply these simple rules the results will be outstanding

Have a fantastic day

Alex Kalafatis

Managing Director

Australian Innovative Coaching & Development
